Brothel creeper. “In the late 1950s, these shoes were taken up by the Teddy Boys along with drainpipe trousers, draped jackets, bolo ties, quiff and pompadour haircuts, and velvet or electric blue clothes. [...] Self-made brothel creepers were picked up by the Soviet subculture stilyagi (rus. стиляги) in the mid 1950s. They were called ‘ботинки на манной каше’, literally men’s ‘shoes on semolina’, because they used to call the thick crepe sole ‘semolina’.” #
My Pub Odyssey: Prince Of Wales. Funny review of the pub closest to the office that we _never_ go to. Pro tip: visit the Earl of Essex. And I'm not telling you the pub we do frequent -- it's too busy already. #
Computer Science Erotica. "He was excited. C was unforgiving, dominating, and efficient. He wanted to know C on an intimate level. He just had to get inside this misbehaving program." #