February 2005

February 22, 2005

Help save the earth!

World Jump Day is a grand attempt to shift the world into a new orbit and stop global warming, extend daytime hours and create a more homogenous climate.

World Jump Day is on July 20, 2006. The time to jump in Helsinki is at 9:39:13, so find a hard surface, and synchronize your clock.


February 19, 2005

In the eyes of an economist, everyone is a greedy, backstabbing miser

Robert H. Frank writes about how the self-interest model may skew the perspective of economists. “Repeated exposure to the self-interest model makes selfish behavior more likely.”

“The narrow self-interest model, which encourages us to expect the worst in others, often brings out the worst in us as well.”


February 18, 2005

Looking for project management software

I’m looking for an easy-to-use, easy-to-setup project management application. If it runs in a browser, good; if it can installed on our own server, even better. DotProject is unintuitive and seems overkill for our three man team.

I’d love to give Basecamp a try, but I’m afraid we’re not going to be afforded that kind of a budget when other open source alternatives are available. (Our boss probably does consider our time to be worth nothing*.)

So far, I haven’t found anything interesting. I’ve been avoiding Sourceforge and other code repositories, but I suppose I’ll have to trawl them soon enough.

While searching Blogdex, I stumble across an interesting post about groupware. JWZ makes some good points. Reminds me sort of Robot Co-op.


February 17, 2005

Sedu & Selin Co.

Tuulipukuviihteen kurkot jahtaamaan taviksia verkkoon, tapahtumiin ja kännyköihin. Oh no.


February 16, 2005

Joey Comeau’s debut novel to go for $1400

Joey Comeau is raising money for his tuition by serializing his unfinished novel online. The first chapter of Lockpick Pornography is up and waiting to impress you. Comeau writes disturbing and hilarious job applications at Overqualified and creates the webcomic A Softer World together with Emily Horne.

  • I was looking for a little email obfuscation this morning, but it seems Hiveware has gone away. Automatic Labs has a copy of the Enkoder.
  • Joku ei tykkää missien alastonkuvista. Eikä Digitodaysta. Eikä varsinkaan Tuomas Karhusta.

February 15, 2005

A download-and-run wiki

Instiki may be easy to install, but I wonder if it’s so easy to learn to use it to its full extent.


A book in five days

From the Literary Saloon: “A ‘book’ in five days. That’s what Mara Reinstein and Joey Bartolomeo — writers at Us Weekly — have done: 40,000 words (on Brad & ‘Jen’, who have apparently broken up, which is apparently of interest to someone out there) in less than a week.”


February 14, 2005


Ohjelmointitekniikka-kurssilla (3 ov) tutustutaan mm. Javan 1.5-versioon, assert-lauseisiin ja graafisiin käyttöliittymien toteutuksiin. Kurssi suoritetaan opintopiireissä. Ryhmien ratkaisut ovat verkossa.


Getting in the back of the line

Reserving some books today, I noticed that Helmet now shows users their rank in the reservation line. Based on my place on the waiting list, it would appear that Mikko Rimminen’s Pussikaljaromaani is trouncing Tuomas Vimma’s Helsinki 12.

Assuming that there are only single copies of each book, and that each person picks up their reservation promptly, reads it, and returns it within 30 days, I will be reading the first lines of Helsinki 12 sometime in October, 2009. I’ll still have to wait another eight years until it’ll me my turn to pick up Pussikaljaromaani in February 2018.

Of course, that Helsinki 12 is in its second printing and ten euros cheaper than Pussikaljaromaani could affect these standings. Or it could be that the kind people who use the library like reading about drinking beer more than they like reading about assholes living it up dotcom style.


February 11, 2005

February 10, 2005

David Brin on the morals Star Wars

“Star Wars” despots vs. “Star Trek” populists. I read this David Brin’s article from 1999 yesterday for the first time. It touches on the topic of why the scifi genre is held in such little regard outside of its fanbase. Be sure to read Brin’s note on the Enlightenment, Romanticism and science fiction.

Neal Stephenson discussed a similar topic, why commercial authors aren’t respected in the literary scene, in an interview on Slashdot a while ago.

  • Bisnes.fi Imagelle. “Kun Bisnes.fi siirtyi Talentumilta Acacomille, lehdessä oli viisi työntekijää. Työntekijät lähtivät yksi kerrallaan eikä tilalle palkattu uusia.”

February 9, 2005

Skate Mosh at Liberté

We saw Skate Mosh at Liberté last Friday. Not at all like Ovali Virta. After the first song (requiem: “wigga—mother fucker!”) I was afraid it was all going to be a big over-arty joke. But no: it was good.


February 8, 2005

Ainoastaan Suomessa

Tuomas Vimman Helsinki 12 -kirjan kansikin on pornoa. Janne havainnollistaa. Kirjaa lukemattakin ja sen uusmediamiljöötä kavahtaen siitä on vaikea olla pitämättä—jo pelkästään sen markkinoinnin vuoksi.


February 7, 2005

Crashes RAMmed away

On par with me not writing here, like, forever, I’ve failed to mention that my computer (which has been acting up and bluescreening daily for a long time) is much better. I was given a brand-new 512MB RAM chip, and after removing the two older chips, everything’s been working almost flawlessly. Knock on wood.


February 2, 2005

Iselilja X3M:n viikon levy

Gåten Iselilja oli Yle X3M:n viikon levy pari viikkoa sitten. Gåten lähimmäksi Suomen sukulaiseksi veikkaisin Nightwishiä, joskin sen norjalaista mytologiaa luotaava folkpoprokki ei varmaan ole tarpeeksi raskasta Nightwishin faneille. Bändi on tulossa Suomeen maalis- tai huhtikuussa.


February 1, 2005

Mining meaning from notes

Stephen Johnson writes about how his note-taking system has changed the way he writes — and thinks. Sounds familiar. I had lofty goals for my personal CMS (which I use to publish this weblog) to do basically the same thing. Only my heap-of-code doesn’t have any of the contextual search features of DevonThink, which means my CMS does nothing like it.
